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Donut Glory

By Becky Belnap:

#DandC88 : 1-40. I wanted to teach the principle that "he who is not able to abide the law of the celestial kingdom cannot abide a celestial glory." I twisted it into "he who is not able to abide the law of the DONUT kingdom cannot abide a DONUT glory."
The DONUT laws were to (1) find and mark 3 principles or doctrines in vs.1-40. Then (2) teach one of those principles to a class member. Then (3) write a note of encouragement or thanks to someone (preferably using vs.1-40). Then (4) share with the class one thing that you believe (I emphasized that it had to be sincere). If you did task (1) you gained the napkin glory, (2) the cup glory, (3) the milk glory, and all (4) tasks got you donut glory. Obviously there are doctrinal flaws in the object lesson, which I explained with much emphasis, most importantly that we "aren't earning heaven, we are learning to be heavenly." (Thanks Brad Wilcox.) After reading verses 22-24 and 33-36 one student asked, "You mean I have to work?" I replied, "No, you don't have to do anything. You are free to choose. You can choose to become a law unto yourself (verse 35), but then you cannot enter Donut glory. If you choose to abide the donut law, then you receive Donut glory." He got busy right away. One student who never participates (but loves donuts) was so conflicted; he sat there for 5 minutes. Finally he started in. He was one of the first to share what he believed--that there was a God. It was a big deal for our class to hear him say that.
Post Date: February 2, 2015
Scripture Reference:
Age Group:
Author: Becky Belnap

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