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60-Second Explorers

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Tell students you will give them sixty seconds to find out everything they can about a certain passage. If this is the first time your students have done an activity like this, you may want to give them a chance to tell you some techniques they might want to use: reading the chapter header, checking the footnotes, skimming, watching for the paragraph markers, etc.

Turn them loose. When the timer goes off, choose a student (randomly or otherwise) to tell what they learned about the chapter. Ask them to explain how they found out so much. Have another student or two do the same. At the end of the exercise, you may want to ask if anyone else used any techniques that weren't discussed, so that everyone can learn from other's ideas.

This is an easy way to start a lesson off so that everyone has the same background information before the class begins. It's also great for teaching students to use the scripture study aids.

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