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Hear and Watch

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Use LDS.org's website to help students hear and read a talk.

EXAMPLE: I asked the students if they had ever heard the story about "What have you done with my name?" Some had. I told them we'd watch a movie about names, and I asked them to listen for the role that commandments play in protecting our names.

I put up What Have You Done with My Name by Elder Mervyn B Arnold in the November 2011 general conference (http://www.lds.org/ensign/2010/11/what-have-you-done-with-my-name) up on the TV through my laptop. I had planned to show them the movie, but it was really choppy for some reason. Instead, I played the audio and scrolled the talk on the screen for them. This proved to be very effective -- much more so than I would have guessed. Somehow, hearing and seeing helped them pay attention better.

They liked the bit about the cow. I asked the kids about the emphasis of the talk -- that we will answer to the Savior about what we did with his name that we took on at baptism, the kids were eager to respond and comment. I bore my testimony, and this again, turned out to be a really, really good lesson.


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