Age Group: Youth

These lesson ideas are great for youth ages 12 and up, who are in Sunday School, Young Men, or Young Women classes for Come Follow Me or Seminary.

September 22, 2004
Give me $5.00

Items needed a $5 bill a co-conspirator Dr Adrian Rogers gave a Focus on the Family devotional and this story is from that devotional: A minister was giving a sermon that was several hours long. There was a small break for the audience to get up and walk around at bit. The minister knew many […]

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September 22, 2004
Unburden yourself - adapted for children

Read Pockets full of Rocks from the Friend. Pockets Full of Rocks By Larry Hiller Malcolm Tent was just fine. He was doing OK, Till he went to his classroom one dark, stormy day, And his teacher, Ms. Krabb, blew her cork, flipped her lid, Blaming Malcolm for something that someone else did. “It just […]

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September 22, 2004
Children absorb what we teach

Items needed a few celery sticks that have been soaking in colored water an undyed celery stick See how easily this stalk of celery took on the color of water in which it was sitting? Small children are just like that stalk of celery. They take on all the characteristics of the family around them. […]

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September 22, 2004
Serve the biggest scoop

Items needed two differently sized ice cream scoops or spoons The teacher used ice cream scoops to teach an object lesson. He had two sizes of ice cream scoops and asked "If I were serving up some ice cream, which scoop would you want me to use?" Of course, everyone wanted the big scoop. He […]

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September 22, 2004
It doesn't matter what pot you're in

Items needed two identical plants one ugly pot one nicer pot I taught the children the subject "Jesus Christ is my Example" by using 2 object lessons. I first displayed 2 exact plants planted in 2 different containers. One container was beautiful and the plant looked wonderful. The other container was chipped and awful looking […]

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September 22, 2004
Talent Meal

Design a menu that would really be difficult eating with only one kind of utensil. The discussion during this meal would focus on talents. Everyone has different talents and gifts. All are valuable at one time or another and we should use and share our talents and acknowledge that they are valuable. A spoon may […]

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September 22, 2004
What matters is what's inside

Here's an an awesome object lesson that I use with my kids at camp - all you need is a can of fruit or vegetables, and take the label off...add a dent or two also. It's amazing what and how much the younger ones can come up with! Put the can in the middle of […]

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September 22, 2004
Serve God

Items needed a sling or brace Have a volunteer come up and put his/her arm in a sling then stand there while you give the rest of the object lesson. Ask the group or volunteer: What would happen to your arm if you left it in this sling and didn't use it for a year? […]

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September 22, 2004
Every person is important - parable of the muffins

Items needed two batches of muffins, one made correctly, one made without baking powder OR you could use the image below that shows how changing one ingredient changes how cookies turn out The first batch of muffins were light and fluffy and everyone fights for the last one. The second batch seems to be taking […]

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September 22, 2004
Experiment Upon the Word

Decide beforehand which "theory" you are going to test. It could be something simple like theory of gravity, or something else that both you and your audience understand very well. I will use gravity for my example here. You say, "I am going to test the theory of gravity today. I have here some different […]

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