Great For: Eliciting Thoughtful Responses

These teaching techniques will help you elicit thoughtful responses from your students.

December 31, 2012
Find A Reference

Ask students to find a scripture reference that answers a certain question. EXAMPLE: During a discussion on the word of wisdom in Daniel 1, I asked students to find a scripture reference to prove THAT God gives blessings to the obedient or WHY He does so, or HOW he blesses the obedient. They all found […]

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December 31, 2012
Student presents

Before class, invite a student to prepare a short talk or devotional about a topic or scripture passage. You should give the student clear instructions about what you're looking for in the talk. For example, don't just assign a student to read Moses 7:18 and give a talk on it. Explain to the student that […]

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December 31, 2012
Everybody Writes

I learned this extremely versatile teaching technique from Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov. Basically, you assign a writing prompt. Everyone writes the answer. Then, as many people as you choose are invited to share. Sometimes I have each person share their written response. Other times, when there's a big group, I assign a […]

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December 31, 2012
What did you underline?

Write a list of passages or references on the board that have something important in them -- something "worth underlining." Explain to the class that there is something important in each verse and that you will give each student a chance to read their passage and explain to the class what they thought the most […]

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December 31, 2012
Two Things

Students open their notebooks and write two things: one question they had about the reading and one thing they learned anew or that they had forgotten. We spent probably 40 minutes covering the things they wrote. Great discussion and opportunity for sharing.

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December 31, 2012
Character Study

I used these questions on a worksheet to help students evaluate and understand personalities in the scriptures: :: Character Study :: Name: Scripture: Spouse/Children: Age: Hometown: Occupation: Describe this person using only three words. Circle the word you feel is this person's core quality: ________________ , ________________ , ________________ Briefly describe the person's attitude toward: […]

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December 31, 2012

I use this technique when teaching a topic significant to missionary teaching, like the plan of salvation or baptism. AFTER some instruction on a scripture passage or gospel principle, students are assigned into groups of three. Students read the same passage of scripture together as if this was a real missionary lesson. One person is […]

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January 25, 2006
The Ultimate Participation Award

Items needed a small bag of sugar (or other sweet treat) for each member of the class another, better treat Begin the lesson by giving each student a bag of sugar as a present just for coming to church. I told them just like they received a present from me for coming to church, everyone […]

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