By Carrie Welty (edited by Jenny Smith)
We all can get pretty excited about google slides and power point but a caution: the kids will tune out if you prepare a slide for every moment of your lesson. Essentially putting the entire lesson in power point form is like handing the manual to the kids and asking them to read a long with you. Think back on boring LONG power points you have been subjected to 🙂
I say this because I was tempted to put my entire lesson in powerpoint at first. My husband, who has a lot of experience as a full time S&I employee, reminded me that for a 45-minute lesson, you really don't need more than 4 or 5 slides. Only put up your most important questions, pictures, and quotes. The rest just keep in the speaker notes for you to refer to. Most important, keeping it this way allows you to let the spirit guide your lesson and not the power point/slide show.
A great teacher in Alabama reminded me that the kids may be impressed with your slide show but the lasting impression will be from seeing their teacher teach directly from the scriptures. My slide presentations truly are a crutch for me, and I LOVE them. They make me feel safe and keep me from having to reference notes, the manual, and a million other things. They keep me organized. I have a slide show for pretty much every lesson, and I have to remind myself of this principle constantly so that when I do post a question, the kids pay attention.
"The kids may be impressed with your slide show but the lasting impression will be from seeing their teacher teach directly from the scriptures."
Carrie Welty
Hope this helps someone. I am in no way a master teacher and have a long way to go! I hope some of the things I am learning can help you.