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Obedience is easier with the help of a friend

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Play the game "Don't Get Poisoned." Set a folding chair in the middle of the classroom. On one piece of paper, write alcoholic drinks, and on another piece of paper, write tobacco. Tape the label "alcoholic drinks" to the top of the chair and the label "tobacco" to the seat of the chair. Pass a six-foot-long string through the space between the backrest and the seat (see the illustration on the next page), and place a ring on the string. Tell class members that the object of this game is to pass the ring from one end of the string to the other without touching the "alcoholic drinks" and "tobacco."

obedience easier friend Obedience is easier with the help of a friend

(Image is Copyright 2010, Intellectual Reserve. Used by permission.)

Invite a class member to try to do this alone. If other class members want to try, allow them to do so. Then have the first class member choose a partner, and have the two work together to pass the ring. (They will probably find it easier than the person working alone did.) Ask the first class member:

Was it easier to accomplish this task by yourself or with another person?

Point out that keeping the Word of Wisdom is easier when you have the help and support of other people. Encourage class members to support each other in their commitment to keeping the Word of Wisdom. Briefly discuss ways they might do this.

Note to the teacher: For information on other games that teach, see Teaching—No Greater Call, 143–44.

Source: Lesson 26: The Wisdom of the Word of Wisdom, Preparing for Exaltation: Teacher’s Manual, 147


March 30, 2010
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