Primary Talk
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When I serve others, I serve God.

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Happiness comes when we obey God’s commandments. Jesus Christ taught the first and the second commandments. He said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart.” Then He said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:37, 39). We can obey these commandments by serving others. That means we do something kind for them. When we serve others we can be happy.

Jesus showed us how to do this. He came to earth to help us. Everywhere He went He helped people. He taught people the gospel. He visited and blessed people who were sick. He helped people who had disabilities. He was a friend to the lonely. By serving others, Jesus did what Heavenly Father wanted Him to do. In Mosiah 2:17 we learn that when we serve someone else we are really serving God.

President Thomas S. Monson encourages us to serve others. Children around the world serve those in need, and their happiness shines through when they share their stories.

Max said: “At my preschool I helped clean the tables and chairs for my teachers. It made me feel good to help someone without being asked first.”
Carson and Kyleigh said: “When our grandma was in the hospital we decided to give her a special gift by cleaning her house really well before she got home. It made us feel really good to do this for her.”

Brittish said: “When my mom broke her leg she needed to use a wheelchair. I helped with my three brothers and sister at home, and I was able to help my mom get the things she needed. Service makes me feel great!”
When we obey the commandment to love and serve others we are serving God and we are blessed with happiness. Try it yourself and see that this is true!

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Post date: December 3, 2012
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