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Recipe for Success

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Items needed

  • a batch of cookies made with correct ingredients but wrong measurements
  • a batch of cookies made correctly

As you start out the lesson let the girls know that you prepared cookies for them and pass them out. Pass out the batch of cookies in which you did not measure the ingredients. See if you get any reactions. If students are too polite to say anything immediately you can let them know that there is something unusual about these cookies. After they point it out say that you can't understand what went wrong, you threw the ingredients on the list but that you didn't think it was very important to measure them exactly.

Then give the girls the real cookies and tell them you followed all the instructions on this batch. Have them tell you what they think.  (Why does it matter whether we carefully follow directions with exactness?  What directions have you been given to follow exactly? How will your eternal destination "taste" if you don't follow the Lord's instructions with exactness? - Jenny)

Alma 57:21   - "Yea, and they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that their mothers had taught them."

May 18, 2006
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