Scripture Reference: Book of Mormon

September 9, 2009
I am thankful for my family. I will serve them.

Miguel Cortez is filled with love for his family and for everyone he meets. He not only loves people, but he loves the gospel and wants to do what is right. He likes the Book of Mormon story of when Nephi and his family crossed the ocean. Miguel hopes that he will follow and obey […]

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August 27, 2009
Lorenzo kids show

Has anyone seen the kids Lorenzo with a dog that is in an old trunk in an attic and he tells stories from the Book of Mormon and sings songs. If anyone knows what I am talking about Please let me know? I am wondering if you know where I can purchase them.

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June 17, 2009
Still working...

My kids are slobs. It's official. I'm a failure as a parent. Today was the first day the kids are out of school, and it rained all day (naturally). They played pretty well, but ate a whole box of cereal on my wool rug. I've been working on the website most of the afternoon. I've […]

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April 24, 2009
I must be a loser

My brother made me set up a Facebook account a couple of years ago. None of my friends were on it (back then it was mostly college students), and so I did nothing with it. Later, friend Chad, begged me to get on. Ignored him. Finally, after fb was in the news so much, I […]

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April 1, 2009
A dialogue between Joseph Smith and the Devil

This made me both think (that Pratt thinks, as do I, a major --- I say overlooked -- difference between our church and others is the idea of direct communication with God) and laugh (when Joseph has a "spruce" beer with the devil). from A Dialogue between Joseph Smith and the Devil Parley P. […]

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March 31, 2009

So now you know. Satan deceives. That was an actual license plate on a car I was behind the other day. There are really a lot of gospel messages on plates around here. I can't decide if I like it or am creeped out by it. The ward temple trip was Friday. We had a […]

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March 17, 2009
Mormon 'idol' being crowned

Mormon 'idol' being crowned - Late last summer, after David Archuleta and Brooke White made it to the finals of the 2008 "American Idol" competition, Bob Wood began to wonder just how many other singers raised in the LDS culture had that kind of talent ... [Deseret News LDS Feed] This sounds nice to me. […]

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March 15, 2009
The new YW value

Stake Conference was today. I am trying to find Christ-like things to say about it, but it's pretty difficult, actually. Two of the talks were very good, 5 were okay, and two were downright bad. I did laugh out loud when the Mission President's wife said she thought the next YW value should be guilt! […]

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February 18, 2009
Awesome Lesson

Jillyne gave an excellent lesson from the Joseph Smith manual during Relief Society on Sunday. The topic was personal apostasy, and she likened it to the story of Lehi's vision in the Book of Mormon. She brought out a couple of interesting points. As a side note, Alka-seltzer does work for urinary tract infections. I'm […]

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November 20, 2008
Bible prophets teach me how to strengthen my family

(Information and quotations are from Bible Dictionary—Hezekiah and Isaiah; Isa. 9:6, Isa. 29:4, Isa. 38:1–8, and Isa. 53:9.) Great are the words of Isaiah (3 Ne. 23:1). Anthony peered out the window of his pretend time machine. It was actually a cardboard box that he had decorated with markers, foil, and other things. For several […]

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