Scripture Reference: Doctrine and Covenants

December 3, 2012
Heavenly Father wants me to marry in the temple and have an eternal family.

In this latter day the promise of eternal families was restored in 1829 when the powers of the Melchizedek Priesthood were restored to the earth. Seven years later, in the Kirtland Temple, the keys to perform the sealing ordinances were restored, as recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants: “Elijah the prophet, who was taken to […]

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December 3, 2012
When I repent, I can be forgiven.

Repentance is turning from doing wrong to doing right. The Savior wants you to turn away from wrong and turn to Him. (See 3 Ne. 30:1 – 2.) He gave His life to pay for your sins so that if you repent, you can be forgiven and be clean again. When you disobey the commandments […]

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December 3, 2012
If I live worthily, the Holy Ghost will help me choose the right.

Elder LeGrand Richards made this statement: “I would rather have my children and my children’s children enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost than any other companionship in this world because if they will heed the promptings of that Spirit, he will lead them into all truth and see them safely back into the presence […]

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June 1, 2012
Last Official Day of Seminary

I was positively giddy when the kids left this morning after our very last official class of the year, but now I'm feeling a little sad. I can now understand when teachers say how hard it is when you get released from Seminary teaching. I can honestly say I've never felt sad about having a […]

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May 17, 2012
Minor Prophets - 1

Here's my lessons up to today. I will post pictures and handouts as soon as I can. Hosea 1-3 Lesson objective: Students will learn that God loves his people and desires them to enter into his covenant. He is willing to "pay" to have them. On the board I wrote, "What are you worth to […]

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February 28, 2012
Going Off Book

It's getting easier to get up for Seminary now that the days are getting longer again. It's such a relief to send the kids out in actual sunlight instead of in the dark like we did during December and the start of January. They still arrive in the dark, but sunrise is just 30 minutes […]

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January 11, 2012
Best Seminary Lesson Evah!

What a fantastic lesson we had in Seminary today! I'm not sure what happened to make things go so well, but wow, this was really a great lesson (from my point of view, anyway). Class started off very silly -- like Monday silly -- and we even got started a little late with our opening […]

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December 6, 2011
Ten Commandments and Beyond

For the 10 commandments lesson, I wrote the following chart on the board: 1 - Deuteronomy 5:1-8 2 - footnote f, D&C 68:25 3 - footnote b, Mormon 7:7, D&C 58:30 4 - Exodus 31:12-17, Deuteronomy 5: 12-15 5 - Deuteronomy 11: 8-9, 17, 21; Helaman 7:24 6 - footnote a 7 - 8 - […]

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November 1, 2011
Awesome Arise and Shine Forth Quotes – HUGE list

I collected a TON of great Arise and Shine Forth quotes when I was creating the bookmark cards. These are helpful for talks, youth conferences, standards nights, and camp themes dealing with the theme Arise and Shine Forth in Doctrine and Covenants 115:5. I got all these by using Arise and Shine Forth Quotes […]

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August 6, 2011
Strong and Immovable

Items Needed: A feather, a large rock Lesson Idea: Place the feather on a table and ask someone to come and blow the feather off the table.  Place the rock on the table and have another person come and try to blow it off the table.  You may want to have several people together try […]

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