Scripture Reference: New Testament

This is a container category for the Books of the New Testament.

November 17, 2004
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Showing the bad banana, ask the class if they'd like to eat it? Why not? How do you know it won't taste good? Show the good banana and ask, what is the inside of this banana like? How do you know? Teach from the following scriptures the Savior's teachings, "by their fruits ye shall know […]

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November 17, 2004
Friends Rub off on You

Items needed Before class print out the word FRIENDS in large bubble letters, about two inches high, on a sheet of paper for each student. a graphite pencil for each student During class, give each child a sheet of paper with FRIENDS printed on it and a pencil. Tell them to use the pencil to […]

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October 11, 2004
Every part is important

Items needed a ballpoint pen, from which you have removed the spring I'm sure everyone knows what this is. Yes, it is a ballpoint pen. What do you think the most important part of this pen is? Many of you said the "ink", that is a common answer. Let's see how useful this ballpoint pen […]

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October 11, 2004
Build on the Rock

Items needed a casserole dish a bowl of sand a rock two small houses, maybe made of paper or represented by lego blocks Put the empty casserole dish on the table so that all the children can see it. Then tip the small bowl with sand in it upside down inside the casserole dish to […]

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September 22, 2004
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World

Display the picture of the Savior and read John 8:12: "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." You may also wish to make a sign that says "I am the light of the world" top help students focus on […]

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September 22, 2004
Airplane lesson - finding your life's destination

Items needed two paper airplanes This is a talk given by 11 year old Alex. The idea was based on Our Destiny November 1999 Ensign First you make two paper airplanes. One needs to fly very straight and true. The other needs to look a little battered and fly more in loops. There are patterns […]

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September 22, 2004
Every person is important - parable of the muffins

Items needed two batches of muffins, one made correctly, one made without baking powder OR you could use the image below that shows how changing one ingredient changes how cookies turn out The first batch of muffins were light and fluffy and everyone fights for the last one. The second batch seems to be taking […]

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September 22, 2004
Talent Meal

Design a menu that would really be difficult eating with only one kind of utensil. The discussion during this meal would focus on talents. Everyone has different talents and gifts. All are valuable at one time or another and we should use and share our talents and acknowledge that they are valuable. A spoon may […]

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September 22, 2004
Holy Ghost Will Only Dwell in a Clean Body

Items needed a very dirty sock Take a sock ( an old one preferably one you don't care about getting real muddy), soak the sock in mud, get it real dirty and then put it in a plastic bag. Take it to your class and during your lesson ask someone if they would mind putting […]

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