By Susie Waalkes Kershaw
I thought I would share how our class is doing the "what stuck with you" idea. We have our own "sacred grove" and every Friday they add a leaf on what they learned that week.
Jeanette Brooks. We do the "what stuck with you" idea also. It so neat to look back on what stuck. I don't have the room or ability to do a great board like this but I think it's awesome. I share the RS room and have very limited wall space. I just wanted you to know how amazing I think his is. Good job with the inspiration.

Laura Buell Romig Thank you for the great idea!! We just finished our tree last week and love it!! Of course it's a little bare until the students start adding the leaves but so happy how it turned out. Thanks again

Diane Wilson Flanagan Here's our version. So excited to see what the kids write on their leaves! Thanks again for the wonderful idea!