Tag: church history

May 28, 2009
A Century of Missionary Work

Larry A. Hiller, "A Century of Missionary Work," New Era, Jan. 2000, 28 The missionary message has not changed since the time of Joseph Smith. But missionaries and missionary life have changed a lot—especially in this century. Elder Scott DuVall, of Taylorsville, Utah, serves in Hyderabad, India. His maternal grandfather, Joseph Cummings, served in the […]

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May 28, 2009
A Century of Aaronic Priesthood

Barbara Jean Jones, "A Century of Aaronic Priesthood," New Era, Jan. 2000, 30 "It was quite a thrill to me when I was ordained a deacon and permitted to pass the sacrament," wrote Rendell Mabey of his ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood in the early 1900s. Rendell was a typical Aaronic Priesthood holder of his […]

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