Tag: example

March 20, 2005
Open your Refrigerator Door (or Let Your Light So Shine)

Items needed a small refrigerator, plugged in OR a picture of a refrigerator.  You could even make a little display fridge that opens and closes. Set Up Display your refrigerator with the door closed. What you could say: Please listen with your spiritual ears as I describe some of the characteristics of my refrigerator. Inside […]

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November 18, 2004
Follow the instructions

Teach the class that following instructions exactly is important by drawing a picture on the chalkboard different than the one for which you give oral instructions. Tell the class members you will give them some instructions to draw a picture. Instruct them to listen carefully to the instructions and follow them closely. Encourage the class […]

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November 17, 2004
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Showing the bad banana, ask the class if they'd like to eat it? Why not? How do you know it won't taste good? Show the good banana and ask, what is the inside of this banana like? How do you know? Teach from the following scriptures the Savior's teachings, "by their fruits ye shall know […]

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November 17, 2004
Friends Rub off on You

Items needed Before class print out the word FRIENDS in large bubble letters, about two inches high, on a sheet of paper for each student. a graphite pencil for each student During class, give each child a sheet of paper with FRIENDS printed on it and a pencil. Tell them to use the pencil to […]

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September 24, 2004
Follow the Prophet

Items needed Two nicely wrapped boxes, one empty, one with a treat inside The prophet has "seen inside the box". We should all follow him. Tell the class that you've put something special for them in one of the boxes, and you want them to choose which box they want to get their reward from […]

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September 22, 2004
Children absorb what we teach

Items needed a few celery sticks that have been soaking in colored water an undyed celery stick See how easily this stalk of celery took on the color of water in which it was sitting? Small children are just like that stalk of celery. They take on all the characteristics of the family around them. […]

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September 22, 2004
Dirty Business

Items needed a bowl of mud Scoop out a handful of mud and ask "What would you do if a friend ran up with his arms full of mud? Do you move closer and hold out your arms and accept all that mud? Or do you say, 'No, thanks. I don't want that mud.' " […]

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