Tag: magnifying callings

March 13, 2011
Stretch a little Higher, Be a little better, Enlarge thy tent

As a prelude to the lesson, I began by calling a student volunteer to the front of the room. As it happened, it turned out to be the tallest student in the class. I asked him to show how high he could reach. He went over to the wall and rested his verrry long arm […]

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November 5, 2008
Magnifying your Calling

This object lesson requires a magnifying glass, a sunny day , a piece of paper, and just a regular piece of glass. Take your class or family outside and give one person the magnifying glass and another person the normal glass. See who can burn a hole in the paper. The lesson could take many […]

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July 2, 2006
The Lord Equips the Called

Place a dollar inside someones Book of Mormon at 1 Nephi 3:7 when they are not looking. Later ask that person to come up to help you and to bring their scriptures. Ask them if they would do something for you right there. Once you have their OK ask them to give you a dollar. […]

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October 18, 2005
Friendship Fudge

Friendship Fudge Ingredients: Mix in a gallon ziplock bag: 4 cups powdered sugar 3 ounces of softened cream cheese 1/2 cup softened margarine 1/2 cup cocoa 1 tsp. vanilla Decide ahead of time which five main points you'd like to discuss during your lesson.  Label each ingredient with one of the five points and use […]

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October 11, 2004
Every part is important

Items needed a ballpoint pen, from which you have removed the spring I'm sure everyone knows what this is. Yes, it is a ballpoint pen. What do you think the most important part of this pen is? Many of you said the "ink", that is a common answer. Let's see how useful this ballpoint pen […]

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September 22, 2004
What will you reap?

Items needed a picture of a freshly plowed field Show the class or family a new plot of ground that has just been dug up and prepared to be planted and ask: If this ground were left alone for a year just like it is right now, what would it look like? Would it have […]

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September 22, 2004
Like a pencil

Items needed a pencil Show the pencil to the class--teach that the useful, best part of a pencil is in the middle. And in order for it to be useful, something sharp has to wear away the outer covering. Let's compare that to the heart/spirit that is found inside each of us. In order to […]

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September 22, 2004
Every person is important - parable of the muffins

Items needed two batches of muffins, one made correctly, one made without baking powder OR you could use the image below that shows how changing one ingredient changes how cookies turn out The first batch of muffins were light and fluffy and everyone fights for the last one. The second batch seems to be taking […]

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September 22, 2004
Serve the biggest scoop

Items needed two differently sized ice cream scoops or spoons The teacher used ice cream scoops to teach an object lesson. He had two sizes of ice cream scoops and asked "If I were serving up some ice cream, which scoop would you want me to use?" Of course, everyone wanted the big scoop. He […]

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September 22, 2004
Serve God

Items needed a sling or brace Have a volunteer come up and put his/her arm in a sling then stand there while you give the rest of the object lesson. Ask the group or volunteer: What would happen to your arm if you left it in this sling and didn't use it for a year? […]

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