Tag: resurrection

November 13, 2018
Simple Savior Lesson

Tell the following story and invite the children to stand and act it out with you: “A man was walking along a road (walk in place). He fell into a deep hole (sit down). He tried and tried but could not get out (pretend to try to get out). He called for help (quietly call […]

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February 17, 2007

Items needed a tarnished item silver cleaner a bowl of water Lesson I used this by showing the class how the silver looked when it was tarnished. Then as I was talking about how the church was restored, I was also cleaning the spoon with the silver cleaner. It probably took about 3 minutes. Then […]

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September 22, 2004

Items needed a glove Each of us are made up of two parts: a body and a spirit. You can see a body and feel it and it can move and talk and do all those wonderful things. You can't see a spirit, but it is also there. Can you see radio waves coming into […]

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