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Watch for Questions

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While reading a scripture block, what are the things, phrases, allusions, etc that you don't understand? What questions do you have after reading some scripture verses? ALSO, look for actual questions in the block. Can you answer them? What if you had to answer the question aloud, especially if they were asked by the Lord or His prophets?

Example: Alma 5 is full of questions! Going through them asking them to your self and really answering them is like a powerful personal priesthood interview!

(Adapted from Panning for Gold: Various Methods to Understand and Apply the Scriptures to Ourselves by Eric Bacon, Northwest Area Seminaries)

Great for: Helping students find meaning in the scriptures, Lesson preparation

Class size: Any class size

Helps Students: SEARCH the scriptures or text

Prep Time:

Student Age: Any age

Equipment needed:

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