Great For: Searching the Scriptures or Text

February 22, 2013
Silent Time Line Sorting Game

Last week we were doing housekeeping things during class and did not get to cover the stories that students were reading in as much depth as I would prefer.  I used this method to quickly cover 4 chapters students had read before class, as an introduction to the next chapters in Acts. RULES: Each zone […]

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February 16, 2013
Chalk Talk

This idea came from a Pinterest post by Erin Guinup.  She didn't post a link to a website, but posted a picture of her chalkboard from doing this activity that you can see at right. You can see her pin on my Seminary Pinterest page. Basically, you start with a topic.  Each student is given […]

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January 31, 2013
Pop Quiz

Ah, the dreaded Pop Quiz. There's a reason that this old-style teaching method hasn't been thrown out: it's super effective. This evil-sounding tool can be used by the wise teacher to help cover a lot of material very quickly, review previously studied material, or to determine how well students are understanding material.  Plus, it takes […]

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December 31, 2012
60-second Talks

Eaton and Beecher sometimes give students five minutes to prepare a 60-second talk on a verse from the day's reading. Students then present their talks. If student become long-winded, offer a prize for the student who comes the closest to 60-seconds without going over. Nothing helps students lean a principle so well as having to […]

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December 31, 2012

How does connecting different parts of the story in the same or other chapters help make one scene more powerful and meaningful. Look For: Put parts of a story or teaching together (don't forget previous and future chapters!) and "look for" connections. Examples >1 Samuel 1 --2 Hannah's sacrifice of giving up her firstborn Samuel […]

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December 31, 2012
Motivating Words

Instruct students to look for and circle/highlight words that are especially motivating, inspiring, comforting, thought-provoking, etc. SAY "As you read, be aware of words and phrases that really stand out to you. They may seem powerful, motivating, comforting, though-provoking, etc." Example: Hebrews 7:25 One night while reading Hebrews I came upon this verse and one […]

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December 31, 2012
If ... Then Statements

Many scriptures make promises and conditions by putting them in a formula, usually stated as a "If [this happens], then [that will happen]." Look For: Watch for the words like "If..." and "then..." CAUTION: many times the "then" part is implied and the word "then" word is left out. Example: 1 Nephi 2:20 "Inasmuch as […]

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December 31, 2012
Watch for Questions

While reading a scripture block, what are the things, phrases, allusions, etc that you don't understand? What questions do you have after reading some scripture verses? ALSO, look for actual questions in the block. Can you answer them? What if you had to answer the question aloud, especially if they were asked by the Lord […]

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December 31, 2012

This exercise requires a good imagination. After reading the verses silently (perhaps a few times), invite your class to close their eyes and take a few minutes trying to visualize the scene depicted in the scriptures in your mind. Try to imagine every detail, see how people walked, talked, and acted. What is the scenery? […]

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December 31, 2012
Touched by the Spirit

At what point in the scripture block did the Spirit touch you and whisper to you that something you read was true? Maybe a particular part was something with which you have already had experience. Bear testimony of it during class, and invite students to do the same. Look For: Be aware of your feelings […]

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