Age Group: Adults

These ideas will help you engage classes of adults, especially Come Follow Me for Sunday School, Relief Society, and Elder's Quorum.

March 27, 2006
The Importance of Being Spiritually Prepared

Soon after you begin teaching the class, ask for a volunteer to come up. When someone has come up, ask them to finish teaching the lesson and then sit down. After they have been trying to teach something for a short while, stand up and ask them how they felt. Ask if it would have […]

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March 19, 2006
Team work does make a difference

Items needed a pole or yard stick string cut into 4-5 foot lengths Have someone tie their string to the pole and see if they can pull the stick off the ground and try to make it stand straight up. Then have some one else tie their string on and see if it works with […]

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March 14, 2006
Understanding your Divine Nature

This is part of a lesson that I taught called "Understanding Your Divine Nature". I held up the first pot (plain pot with the beautiful plant inside of it) and then held up the second (much prettier pot) and asked if they could be represented by a flower pot, which pot would you choose to […]

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March 8, 2006
Establishing a Relationship with Heavenly Father

Before class, choose a class member that would be comfortable being blindfolded during class, but don't tell the class member before hand. Invite a parent of the class member you chose to visit the class without letting the class member know. Also invite a member of the ward to visit the class who doesn't know […]

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March 5, 2006
The Unprepared Teacher's Message

When teaching primary teachers the importance of being prepared and knowing their lesson material relate it to the cake, which is on display. Talk about how desirable it is, how it took time to prepare it and make it. Compare this to the lesson manuals and helps put out by the church for teaching. They […]

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March 5, 2006
Clean Home/Dirty Home

Items needed paper, trash picture of savior tablecloth nice chairs access to two classrooms Before class make sure you have access to another room including your regular one. In your regular class room you will need to spread a bunch of paper balls and torn up paper all over the floor. I also had chairs […]

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February 23, 2006
Modest M&Ms

Items needed 3 bags of M&Ms Have 3 young ladies come to the front of the class. Give the first girl an unopened bag of M&M's. Give the 2nd girl a bag of M&M's that have already been opened. Give the 3rd girl a bag of M&M's poured directly into her hand. Ask the girls […]

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February 20, 2006
Repentance lightens the burden of sin

Items needed heavy rocks or other items (like books) backpack Explain that sin burdens our souls. Then have someone put on the backpack. Place several large rocks in the backpack, talking about the burden of sin, or small sins that one might commit. Have the person in the backpack describe the weight of the backpack. […]

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February 20, 2006
Looking on the inside

Items needed dark-colored crayons picture of the Savior in a glass covered frame cleaner (Goo Gone or WD-40 will work fast, or you can use regular soap and elbow grease if you'd like it to take longer to clean) I used a picture of the Savior and took the crayons, mostly darker colors, and colored […]

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February 19, 2006
Filled up at Home

Items needed one empty bucket one bucket filled with water a cup or ladle One daughter recalls that her father demonstrated how children can fill each other's needs within the family. "One time [dad] brought two buckets into the family room--one filled with water, one empty. Then he had each of us think of something […]

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