This lesson opener helps members understand what they might feel if they are deceived.
These ideas will be useful for engaging Children.
This lesson opener helps members understand what they might feel if they are deceived.
By Becky Edwards 11 BETTER APPROACHES 1. Choral Reading The teacher and class read a passage aloud together, minimizing struggling readers' public exposure. In a 2011 study of over a hundred sixth graders (PDF, 232KB), David Paige found that 16 minutes of whole-class choral reading per week enhanced decoding and fluency. In another version, every time […]
By Robyn Childers Tried something today that worked well: My class isn't shy but they don't jump out of their seat when I ask a question of them. Today I wrote down the search questions from the manual onto individual 3x4 notecards and handed them out. When the question came up in the lesson...Mary would […]
By Beth Jervis Perazzo #participation Well, I think I've finally found a way to get my freshman students to participate instead of just stare at me when I ask a question. I took the idea from a game called "Name 5." I have dry erase markers and boards for them to write on (which I took […]
From the Gospel Teaching and Learning Handbook: Correct disorderly or inappropriate behavior. There are some general principles to keep in mind that will help a teacher invite proper order and respect in the classroom. To have order does not always mean having complete silence; nor does it mean that a class cannot be enjoyable and […]
By Shauna Doctrine and Covenants Section 27 This idea came from a member of the LDS Seminary Teacher Facebook group (seriously, if you are a Seminary Teacher-join that Facebook group). When I figure out who it was, I will edit and post his name so he receives credit for this brilliant visual for teaching "Dispensations" […]
By Scott Knecht It is satisfying at the end of a class to sit back and think how well I covered the material for the students. Teachers love to cover things and to say things like "we covered that really well in class today and the students are all ready for the test." I think […]
By (Pam Mueller) I have done this activity before to capture the attention of the students, have them involved and basically giving the lesson. On the board I put a picture of the person we will be studying under the rectangle of paper. Behind the circles are clues I pick a student to start […]
Courtesy of John Bushman: As a coordinator for S&I, it has not been my style to be very controlling. It has been my goal to give great tips and helps, but in the end, the teachers decide what works for them or not. BUT… now I want to mandate something because it can be so […]
If you're struggling with students getting into sidebar or off-topic conversations during your lesson, you may try teaching them this phrase that has worked for me: "between the prayers". The concept is that once we've said the opening prayer, our time has been consecrated for the worship of God. We focus on the lesson at […]