Great For: Getting the attention of uninterested students

Use these ideas to get the attention of uninterested students. No boring lessons!

December 31, 2012
Arrange the chairs differently

You think I'm kidding, but rearranging the seating has a HUGE effect on classroom management in my experience. Changing up the classroom causes the students to try to figure out what is going on, and they get excited about the lesson. If you normally use tables in Seminary, set up without them. If you normally […]

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December 31, 2012

Students pretend to be newscasters who tell a familiar gospel story. EXAMPLE: I told my students that we were going to pretend to be newscasters describing the events of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Each zone received a section of Matthew 21 to give a news cast on. The parables were difficult, but the kids […]

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December 31, 2012
Hey there, Delilah

This is the easiest way to engage kids in scripture reading in my opinion. You'll need something soft like a beanbag or small stuffed animal. A wadded up piece of paper could even be used in a pinch. You may need to lay out some ground rules like : - do not aim above the […]

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December 31, 2012
Scripture Reading Freeze Tag

A narrator reads a passage of scripture while actors dramatize it. When the teacher yells "freeze", the actors freeze and an actor (or actors -- you choose) comes in from the sidelines. They tap an actor on the shoulder and take his or her place in the action. The teacher says "Action!" and the dramatization […]

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December 31, 2012
Scripture Survivor

A student suggested this method based on something they do in her drama class at school. A narrator reads a passage of scripture while students act out their roles. Someone (a teacher or another person) randomly chooses a character to "vote off the island". This selection can be done by tapping an actor on the […]

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December 31, 2012
Gospel Kung Fu Theater

I learned this method at a Seminary regional training. It's a great method that requires little or no preparation. This works best with passages that include plenty of action. Assign one student to be the narrator. The Narrator will read a passage of scripture with FEELING. He or she should do the voices and any […]

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December 31, 2012
Look Under Your Seat

Write the assigned verses or passages on a post it note. Mix up the order you will be covering the passages in, and stick an assignment under each seat in the classroom. When it comes time to read, have everyone look under their seat for their passage and read. I usually employ this method when […]

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December 31, 2012
Group Drawing

My students love group drawing. It's good for covering material that is easy to imagine visually. I have also used it to cover distressing topics -- like the events preceding the second coming -- because these events seem less frightening when sketched for some reason. I have done group drawing a couple of ways. One […]

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December 31, 2012
I'm a Mormon

Find out what things your students are interested in. Do your students love piano music? Is it rugby season? Are they great artists? Interested in motorcycles? Like to read? Using the search tools at locate a video of someone who shares the interests of your student(s). Before you show it to the class, ask […]

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December 31, 2012
Invite a Guest

Invite a guest to come share an experience with a gospel topic with the class. Listen during sacrament meeting, Sunday School, and other times to find people who have experiences or testimony that is valuable to share with your students. I've had great success doing this, especially when I take the time to explain the […]

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