Great For: Lesson Closers

Use these great ideas to help close your lessons.

December 31, 2012
Student presents

Before class, invite a student to prepare a short talk or devotional about a topic or scripture passage. You should give the student clear instructions about what you're looking for in the talk. For example, don't just assign a student to read Moses 7:18 and give a talk on it. Explain to the student that […]

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April 24, 2007
To remind us not to use bad language

Have each student put a rubber band around his/her wrist and through out the week when they use inappropriate language, pop the rubber band. the pop will sting their wrist. This will be the consequence of using bad language.

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March 6, 2007
Apply- Look for ways we can apply this priciple mentioned to our lives

Before starting class I just asked if anyone needed lotion as I stood with the bottle at the front of the class. As they said I do I walked around and gave all who needed a squirt. Then as I put the lotion away I asked who could tell me as we find principles in […]

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December 9, 2006
Commit to Applying Gospel principles

Items needed: a pencil Hand someone in the class a pencil, and ask them to "try to drop it" once the person drops the pencil, pick it up and say, "No, maybe my instructions weren't clear, I said TRY to drop the pencil". They might act confused, and maybe drop it again if so just […]

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January 25, 2006
The Ultimate Participation Award

Items needed a small bag of sugar (or other sweet treat) for each member of the class another, better treat Begin the lesson by giving each student a bag of sugar as a present just for coming to church. I told them just like they received a present from me for coming to church, everyone […]

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July 12, 2005
Pray Often

Items needed a penny for each member of the class As seen in the July 2005 New Era. A morningside speaker told the seminary students to put the penny in their shoe. During the day whenever they felt the penny they were to offer a silent prayer. A penny in your shoe feels like a […]

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