To help class members share how learning during class is blessing their lives, you could write the following question on the board: What is something you did because of what you read in the scriptures this week?
These ideas make great lesson openers. Check out our object lesson section for even more lesson openers and attention-getters.
To help class members share how learning during class is blessing their lives, you could write the following question on the board: What is something you did because of what you read in the scriptures this week?
This lesson opener helps members understand what they might feel if they are deceived.
By (Pam Mueller) I have done this activity before to capture the attention of the students, have them involved and basically giving the lesson. On the board I put a picture of the person we will be studying under the rectangle of paper. Behind the circles are clues I pick a student to start […]
If you're struggling with students getting into sidebar or off-topic conversations during your lesson, you may try teaching them this phrase that has worked for me: "between the prayers". The concept is that once we've said the opening prayer, our time has been consecrated for the worship of God. We focus on the lesson at […]
Last week we were doing housekeeping things during class and did not get to cover the stories that students were reading in as much depth as I would prefer. I used this method to quickly cover 4 chapters students had read before class, as an introduction to the next chapters in Acts. RULES: Each zone […]
The purpose of this activity is for kids to learn to pick out what is the most important information in a section of scripture and to summarize it. This is a valuable skill to learn for preparing talks or lessons. Hand each student a mini post it note. Have them place the post it note […]
Ah, the dreaded Pop Quiz. There's a reason that this old-style teaching method hasn't been thrown out: it's super effective. This evil-sounding tool can be used by the wise teacher to help cover a lot of material very quickly, review previously studied material, or to determine how well students are understanding material. Plus, it takes […]
During three-step interview, students, in pairs, interview each other, then report what they learn to another pair. This method helps students network with each other and develop communication skills. Step 1: Student A questions Student B Step 2: Student B questions Student A Step 3: Students A and B enter a small group discussion with […]
Pose a question, and then hand several students a piece of chalk with an invitation to write their answers up on the board. Other students can line up for a turn when they are ready to respond, or students may hand off the chalk to others in the class for responses. The best questions for […]