Great For: Seeing a Gospel Principle in Action

December 31, 2012
Scripture Survivor

A student suggested this method based on something they do in her drama class at school. A narrator reads a passage of scripture while students act out their roles. Someone (a teacher or another person) randomly chooses a character to "vote off the island". This selection can be done by tapping an actor on the […]

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December 31, 2012
I'm a Mormon

Find out what things your students are interested in. Do your students love piano music? Is it rugby season? Are they great artists? Interested in motorcycles? Like to read? Using the search tools at locate a video of someone who shares the interests of your student(s). Before you show it to the class, ask […]

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December 31, 2012
Gospel Kung Fu Theater

I learned this method at a Seminary regional training. It's a great method that requires little or no preparation. This works best with passages that include plenty of action. Assign one student to be the narrator. The Narrator will read a passage of scripture with FEELING. He or she should do the voices and any […]

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December 31, 2012
Invite a Guest

Invite a guest to come share an experience with a gospel topic with the class. Listen during sacrament meeting, Sunday School, and other times to find people who have experiences or testimony that is valuable to share with your students. I've had great success doing this, especially when I take the time to explain the […]

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December 31, 2012

Invite all students to read a passage silently. Have a couple of students come to the front of the class. Tell them they will be acting out the events in the story, but with a twist -- they are mimes, and must act out silently. OPTIONAL: Ask other students in the class to follow along […]

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December 31, 2012
Let's talk about that

If you're teaching youth, you know that on occasion, students will ask disruptive or off-topic questions. I am always trying to encourage my students to ask questions, and I am always worried that shooting down a question too hard will frighten off others who have questions. I have made the mistake before of shooting down […]

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December 31, 2012
Gospel Cartoonist

Give each student a pencil and piece of paper. Tell your students that they will be cartoonists and should draw a cartoon of the story you are about to read aloud. Stick figures are perfectly okay -- this is not about drawing skill, but it's about picking out the most important details they hear from […]

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December 31, 2012
Use Your Students

Do your best to stay aware of the things your students are doing as service projects or at school. Find out about the things they are doing right, and ask them to share their experiences during class. Be specific with your instructions, and be prepared to ask the students questions to help them with their […]

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July 12, 2005
Pray Often

Items needed a penny for each member of the class As seen in the July 2005 New Era. A morningside speaker told the seminary students to put the penny in their shoe. During the day whenever they felt the penny they were to offer a silent prayer. A penny in your shoe feels like a […]

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