Scripture Reference: Alma 5

December 31, 2012
Watch for Questions

While reading a scripture block, what are the things, phrases, allusions, etc that you don't understand? What questions do you have after reading some scripture verses? ALSO, look for actual questions in the block. Can you answer them? What if you had to answer the question aloud, especially if they were asked by the Lord […]

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August 6, 2011
Draw the right conclusion

Items Needed: Paper for each participant Pens or Pencils for each participant Lesson Idea: Have a volunteer come up to the table with a piece of paper on it. Without lifting the pencil off the paper, have them draw a simple unfamiliar pattern without letting the other participants see it. (Not just a simple shape […]

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January 24, 2010
His Image in Your Countenance

Take a picture of someone in the group with a digital camera, or bring a photo of someone most everyone will recognize like the prophet, a national leader, or your Bishop/Branch President. Describe the person in the photo to your class and ask the students to guess who it is from your description. Be vague […]

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June 10, 2006
Soft as play dough

Items needed hardened piece of playdough (left out of the container for several days) soft piece of playdough Have a volunteer come to the front of the class. Give them the hard piece of play dough and tell them to shape it into what they want. When they aren't able to, ask them why (it's […]

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September 17, 2005
A Change of Heart

Items needed a plate of cookies a bag of carrots I presented this object lesson as part of the YW lesson entitled A Change of Heart. As I was setting up the table, the girls got excited when they saw the plate of cookies. And as I expected, they didn't seem to notice the bag […]

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November 17, 2004
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Showing the bad banana, ask the class if they'd like to eat it? Why not? How do you know it won't taste good? Show the good banana and ask, what is the inside of this banana like? How do you know? Teach from the following scriptures the Savior's teachings, "by their fruits ye shall know […]

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