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I used this acronym as my "classroom rules" for Seminary.  They are Thou Shalts, instead of Thou Shalt Nots.  I find this creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom, where I'm asking them to behave a certain way as opposed to constantly telling students to stop, stop, stop. 

slammposter SLAMM

SLAMM Stands for 

  • Sit up
  • Look at the Speaker
  • Apply the scriptures to your life
  • Make relevant comments
  • Mark your scriptures

During class, if someone is talking over someone else, I might say, "Adam, are you SLAMMing Jake?" to help them focus.  If someone is slumping down in the couches, I remind the class to SLAMM.  It's a fast way to remind everyone what the rules are and to stay engaged.

I probably would not use classroom rules with a group of adults, but you can use SLAMM with youth and children very effectively.

November 9, 2018
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