Use this sheet to help young children focus as you read the scriptures. As you read aloud, children can write or draw pictures of what's happening in the scripture story, or have children draw a picture of what they're feeling as they listen.
Use this sheet to help young children focus as you read the scriptures. As you read aloud, children can write or draw pictures of what's happening in the scripture story, or have children draw a picture of what they're feeling as they listen.
Use this sheet to help young children focus as you read the scriptures. As you read aloud, children can write or draw pictures of what's happening in the scripture story, or have children draw a picture of what they're feeling as they listen.
The Lord often uses "formulas" to show how to obtain certain blessings or outcomes. Mark these with an equal signs. They signal a plain truth of the gospel. Look For: Look for places where the Lord defines something or ties two or more things together. Words like "is," "like," or "in other words" Example: D&C […]
Anciently, making an oath or covenant was the strongest form of commitment one could use. When the Lord swears something to us, this should be very serious to us. Look for such language as "As I the Lord liveth," "I am the Lord," or when the Lord uses a certain Name (ie. "the Lord of […]
How does connecting different parts of the story in the same or other chapters help make one scene more powerful and meaningful. Look For: Put parts of a story or teaching together (don't forget previous and future chapters!) and "look for" connections. Examples >1 Samuel 1 --2 Hannah's sacrifice of giving up her firstborn Samuel […]
Many scriptures make promises and conditions by putting them in a formula, usually stated as a "If [this happens], then [that will happen]." Look For: Watch for the words like "If..." and "then..." CAUTION: many times the "then" part is implied and the word "then" word is left out. Example: 1 Nephi 2:20 "Inasmuch as […]
Find a powerful footnote that helps explain, empower, or give insight to a verse in the block where you were reading. Look For: Look for the little letters that precede a word that indicates a footnote. Example: Doctrine and Covenants 50:28-29 28 But no man is possessor of aall things except he be bpurified and ccleansed from all sin. (Adapted from Panning […]
Assign students a passage or set of several verses to read. Have students imagine they are the prophet who would like to tweet the main idea of this passage or set of verses to his followers. What might he write? What will tell followers the most important information in fewer than 140 characters? After a […]
Oftentimes the Lord makes a list of attributes or qualities that are worth noting and titling in our margins. Have students "mark a list' of items in their scriptures. Look for items set off by commas, or lists of things to get a certain result. The items may be contained in more than one verse. […]