Tag: repentance

August 11, 2006
Repentance makes us clean

Items needed pie pan half full of water pepper bar of soap Begin by having some water in the pie pan. Sprinkle pepper into the pan as you talk about how sinning can make us feel sad and unclean. Hold up the bar of soap and ask what the purpose of soap is. (Answer: to […]

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April 14, 2006

Items needed a pebble for each person in the class After discussion on Repentance, have the students put a small pebble in their shoe and stand up until they feel it's sharpness on their foot. Tell them that sins are like this pebble, even though no one else may know it's there the sin is […]

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February 20, 2006
Repentance lightens the burden of sin

Items needed heavy rocks or other items (like books) backpack Explain that sin burdens our souls. Then have someone put on the backpack. Place several large rocks in the backpack, talking about the burden of sin, or small sins that one might commit. Have the person in the backpack describe the weight of the backpack. […]

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February 15, 2006
Baptism Egg

Items needed crayons hard-boiled egg Hold up the pure white egg and tell how we all come to the earth pure and unblemished. As we grow, we make mistakes which tarnish us. Take the crayons and make marks on the shell of the hard boiled egg as you mention possible sins-lied to my mom, hit […]

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October 11, 2005
Broken Glass-Beautiful Glass

Items needed glass jar hammer gallon sized ziploc bag a beautiful glass sculpture, an identical unbroken glass jar, or other item Start off by showing the plain glass jar. Explain how this jar represents each of us. Then put the jar in the baggie. Then explain how life puts a lot of pressure on us […]

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July 17, 2005
Repentance Object Lesson

Items needed a bottle of spot treatment crayons or markers patch wet wipes Hand out the objects. Explain that each object can be used to handle stains on clothing. Ask the students how s/he would use her/his object to treat a stain: Spot Treater - apply to stain and wash later. Crayons/Markers - create a […]

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July 14, 2005

Items needed a hard candy for each member of the class Give every member in your class a piece of hard candy (like a Jolly Rancher or Life Saver). Tell them they can't swallow, no matter what. Continue on with your lesson for about five minutes. Explain that this is how addiction is. The object […]

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July 11, 2005
Removing the tarnish from our lives

Items needed a non-metal plate white vinegar salt some tarnished pennies (other coins will not work) a cloth Ask: What is the difference between the two kinds of pennies? Is it possible to make the tarnished pennies shine like the new pennies? Pour some vinegar on the plate.  Sprinkle in a some salt and allow […]

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April 24, 2005
Keep the Sabbath/Taking the Sacrament

Items needed a dirty glass a glass cleaner wipe I dirtied the glass by misting it with water and sprinkling it with dust. I placed the glass on an easel on the table. At the appropriate time in the lesson, I used a glass cleaner wipe to clear away a swath on the glass. The […]

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November 17, 2004
Salt and Pepper Forgiveness

Items needed some iodized salt some black pepper (coarser is better) a plastic spoon or balloon some fur Pour a small amount of salt on the plate. Talk about the salt being like us--pure. Sprinkle a little pepper in the salt. None of us is perfect; we all sin and become like this salt with […]

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