Tag: temptation

March 10, 2007
Armour of God

Items needed clear glass of water pepper sandwich bag of dish soap paper towel or dishrag Lesson Pretend like the glass of water is the world. Have the class give examples of sin in the world (smoking, swearing, not telling the truth, etc.) As they are giving examples, shake pepper into the glass of water. […]

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March 3, 2007
Building defenses

Items needed Legos wooden blocks ball Lesson Before class starts build a fortress out of Legos and one out of wooden blocks. While talking about making choices now about what you will do when you're tempted you can use the fortress of wood blocks as someone who didn't decide before hand what to do when […]

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January 13, 2007
Caramel Onion

Show the class the caramel covered onion. Really talk up the "apple". Tell them how delicious it is (they probably won't need much convincing.) Invite a volunteer to eat it and describe to the others in the class how good it is. At this point, depending on the volunteer's nature and how far you want […]

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July 29, 2006
Identifying sin

Items needed A caramel covered onion A caramel covered apple We must examine closely what our decisions are based on to be sure that Satan isn't deceiving us by disguising something evil. Having the Holy Ghost with us as all times will help us not to be fooled by his traps. Prepare the apple and […]

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April 30, 2006
Stay away from Temptation

Items needed doughnuts napkins Prepare a lesson on temptation: 1st half of lesson set box of doughnuts on table {staying far away from temptation} 2nd half of lesson hand out doughnut's on napkin's Ask kids not to eat them until after class, almost every child at least tasted the powdered sugar and some will actually […]

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February 23, 2006
Modest M&Ms

Items needed 3 bags of M&Ms Have 3 young ladies come to the front of the class. Give the first girl an unopened bag of M&M's. Give the 2nd girl a bag of M&M's that have already been opened. Give the 3rd girl a bag of M&M's poured directly into her hand. Ask the girls […]

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July 11, 2005
Choose the right when a choice is placed before you.

Items needed two magnets, one labeled "Satan" and the other labeled "Heavenly Father" (I recommend these) several paper clips Place the two labelled magnets approx 30 cms (one foot) apart on a table top. Place the paper clips (class members) round about the middle point between the magnets. (Allow some paper clips to get caught […]

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November 18, 2004
I am in Control of Myself

Items needed Legos inside the box Here are some legos and right on front is a picture of what you can build with these. Do I have to build exactly what is here? Can't I choose to make any design that I can imagine? In fact, there are lots of different choices of really fun […]

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October 11, 2004
Build on the Rock

Items needed a casserole dish a bowl of sand a rock two small houses, maybe made of paper or represented by lego blocks Put the empty casserole dish on the table so that all the children can see it. Then tip the small bowl with sand in it upside down inside the casserole dish to […]

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September 22, 2004
Roses - Indoor and Outdoor

Items needed a rose, or picture of a rose Roses that are grown in a hot-house are very beautiful but their scent is weak. Why is that? Hothouse roses don't have to develop a heavy scent to attract bees in order to flourish. They are fed, watered, and watched over by the gardener, all in […]

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