The following information and strategies will assist the instructor in overcoming known challenges with the learning population in presenting the Gospel Teacher Improvement Course: Classroom Management.
Learner Analysis Findings
Learners in the course will include many skill sets related to technology. The instructor may need to spend time helping those who are less practiced in the use of tablets or laptops to access some of the learning tools. The instructor can invite more experienced learners to assist each other with technology issues.
Attitude and Motivation. Sixty percent of the target population agree or strongly agree that teacher training can help the average gospel teacher handle discipline problems; however, only forty-eight percent of the target population agrees or strongly agrees that church-provided teacher training is effective (Smith, 2019). The course will emphasize interactive learning to help overcome negative attitudes about church-provided training. As learners learn and develop, and as they see others do the same, their attitude about the effectiveness of training will improve.
Because learners in the target group are already disillusioned with church-provided training, the instructor will need well-developed, relevant instruction to engage with a resistant target learning population. It is important that the course include engaging content that applies ARCS principles to motivate learners. The instructional package utilizes learner-directed skill development to help students connect course material to real-life situations in their own classrooms, that incorporates group mind-mapping tools into instruction to aid with engagement.
Culture. Learners in the target population are of different genders and ethnicities. Reported ages range from 18 to 60+ (Smith, 2019). While each learner is an English-speaking member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, each has different expectations for proper classroom behavior and how to handle discipline issues that are influenced by their particular culture. The course will include a module to help learners develop a classroom management style appropriate to their culture and needs. It will focus on simple classroom management techniques that can be utilized by any learner, regardless of their age, gender, or experience. Since learners always teach in pairs, the course will include opportunities to practice teaching in pairs and for teaching pairs to develop their own classroom management strategy.
Teaching pairs and peer learners may have different opinions about what constitutes an appropriate classroom management strategy. The instructor will address differences of opinion respectfully and encourage learners to engage in pro-social discussion that honors other's cultural background and expectations.
Summary. Although the learner population is challenging and complex, an instructor can help this population increase their confidence in handling behavioral issues in the classroom setting by presenting the lesson plans found in the Gospel Teacher Improvement Course: Classroom Management.
Smith, J. (2019). JNT1 – Task 1: Needs Analysis. Unpublished manuscript, Teachers College, Western Governor's University, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.