Great For: Classroom Management

Use these ideas to help you maintain control in the classroom.

November 9, 2018

I used this acronym as my "classroom rules" for Seminary.  They are Thou Shalts, instead of Thou Shalt Nots.  I find this creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom, where I'm asking them to behave a certain way as opposed to constantly telling students to stop, stop, stop.  SLAMM Stands for  Sit up Look at […]

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November 9, 2018
Answer simply and briefly

Most of us talk too much when we answer a question. It is our natural reaction to share all the information we have on a subject before finding out what the student already knows or how anxious he or she is to know it. In order to answer briefly, you should first ensure you understand […]

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October 6, 2014
The 5 Minute Lecture

By Scott Knecht One night in graduate school I went to the opening session of a new class. It was a bit of a different schedule - 2 nights a week for 4 hours per night for 4 weeks - so I had to get mentally prepared to endure the length each night. Little did […]

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February 22, 2013
Silent Time Line Sorting Game

Last week we were doing housekeeping things during class and did not get to cover the stories that students were reading in as much depth as I would prefer.  I used this method to quickly cover 4 chapters students had read before class, as an introduction to the next chapters in Acts. RULES: Each zone […]

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January 29, 2013
Handout Holder

I am teaching the 14-18 yr old youth in Sunday School.  One idea I have used seems to be working: I bought a composition notebook and pen for all the kids.  Every handout (I try to have one every week) is given to them with a piece of sticky Velcro.  They put one piece on […]

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December 31, 2012
Asking better questions

The following is a report I wrote after a Seminary inservice meeting where I attended a class on Asking Better Questions: I had the good fortune of being in Brother Baraclough's class on Asking Better Questions. Watching him teach was at least as instructive as the material, if not more, and so I really enjoyed […]

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December 31, 2012
Jesus and Disruptive Questions

In Luke 10:25-37, we find a lawyer trying to trip up the Savior with his disruptive questions and justify himself in sin: And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He [Christ] said unto him [the lawyer], What is written in the law? […]

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December 31, 2012
Interrupting or Know-It-All Student

"What do you do when you have a student who answers all the questions or who speaks up just because it's quiet?" one teacher asked. Bro B taught us that teachers should first determine if you are dealing with a smart kid or a smartaleck kid. Your response to interruptions will be different based on […]

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December 31, 2012
Popcorn Reading

This is another form of student-directed randomized scripture reading. Students stand to read a verse and then call the name of someone else to stand and read the following verse. The kids are "popping" up to read. This is also a good technique when you're doing Everybody Writes (each student writes a a brief response […]

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December 31, 2012
Anticipating Student Questions

When I present a lesson, I try to direct my lessons so that ANTICIPATED student questions drive the discussion. When I'm reading my lesson text or scripture block, I ask myself some of the following things: - Does this passage have any unusual words or difficult phrasing? - Do I understand the background of this […]

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