Great For: Lesson Openers

These ideas make great lesson openers. Check out our object lesson section for even more lesson openers and attention-getters.

December 31, 2012
Scripture Tweet

Assign students a passage or set of several verses to read. Have students imagine they are the prophet who would like to tweet the main idea of this passage or set of verses to his followers. What might he write? What will tell followers the most important information in fewer than 140 characters? After a […]

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December 31, 2012
Scripture Menu

Have students read a set of scriptures or passage. Pick an Appetizer - verse(s) that tantalize your own spiritual taste buds Beverage - cross-reference that helps wash down the Main Dish Main Dish - verse(s) that give an overall understanding of the entire block or main principle Dessert - short phrase that is spiritual topping […]

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December 31, 2012
Group Drawing

My students love group drawing. It's good for covering material that is easy to imagine visually. I have also used it to cover distressing topics -- like the events preceding the second coming -- because these events seem less frightening when sketched for some reason. I have done group drawing a couple of ways. One […]

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December 31, 2012

WordStorm is kind of like brainstorming in that you take a topic word and write down the class' thoughts on the board. Easy Lesson opener. EXAMPLE: I wrote the word "friend" on the board and asked my students to say words that describe a perfect friend. I noted their words on the board. When they […]

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December 31, 2012
I'm a Mormon

Find out what things your students are interested in. Do your students love piano music? Is it rugby season? Are they great artists? Interested in motorcycles? Like to read? Using the search tools at locate a video of someone who shares the interests of your student(s). Before you show it to the class, ask […]

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December 31, 2012
New to You

Give students a few minutes to review a passage that is fairly familiar to them. Have them write down something that was "new" at this reading. They may have remembered a detail they forgot or noticed something new. They may have a new understanding of what certain words or phrases mean. The verses may have […]

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December 31, 2012
Invite a Guest

Invite a guest to come share an experience with a gospel topic with the class. Listen during sacrament meeting, Sunday School, and other times to find people who have experiences or testimony that is valuable to share with your students. I've had great success doing this, especially when I take the time to explain the […]

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December 31, 2012
Jenny's "Today We Learned"

I use the phrase "Today We Learned..." to help establish direction in my lessons. First, I determine a lesson objective. Most of my lesson objectives start with the phrase "Students will ..." Here are some lesson objectives I've used this week during our study of Luke: Students will understand that friends and relatives of Jesus […]

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December 31, 2012
Find the One-Liner

This technique is great for scriptures that have multiple great phrases of advice or wisdom, but that don't require a whole lot of discussion to understand. Either have students go in order through a passage, or write scripture references on the board and use Hey There Delilah or Cold-calling to have random students read verses. […]

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December 31, 2012
Student presents

Before class, invite a student to prepare a short talk or devotional about a topic or scripture passage. You should give the student clear instructions about what you're looking for in the talk. For example, don't just assign a student to read Moses 7:18 and give a talk on it. Explain to the student that […]

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