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Make a Movie

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Assign students to make a movie about a gospel topic. You may want to have students plan their script so that a Primary child can understand it.

My students happen to love anything dramatic, so this is very easy for us. I have a big box of dress up clothes and wigs that they use to make movies. They write short scripts based on gospel topics or they just read out a passage and act it out. It's always fun and helps reinforce the stories along with getting lots of participation. Be sure to discuss the people's motivation and results of their actions either before or after the movie is done.

Great forLesson preparation, Giving every person a turn, Helping shy students participate, Reviewing a scripture story, Getting the attention of uninterested students

Class size: Any class size

Helps Students: SEE a gospel principle in action, SHARE feelings, thoughts, or personal experiences, SEARCH the scriptures or text

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Student Age: Any age

Equipment needed: movie recorder

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