Tag: holy ghost

January 13, 2008
Fasting to be filled

Items needed rocks apples bowl half full of rocks Lesson Put all the rocks in the bowl. Ask two people to fill the bowl with the apples. They will see that they can only fill the bowl with the apples if they first take the rocks out of the bowl. Follow with one or both […]

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January 5, 2007
Recognizing the spirit through music

Items needed a way to play music a scary song a loud song a soft, reverent song Lesson Ask everyone to close their eyes and listen to the music that you are about to play. Tell them to think about how the music makes them feel. Play the scary music (you can find web sites […]

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October 8, 2006
Holy Ghost, recognizing the holy ghost and being worthy to keep its companionship

Items needed muddy socks bathrobe bowl/pitcher of ice water bowl/pitcher of warm water Start off your lesson with a volunteer to put on a pair of socks. When you show the volunteer the muddy socks, he/she won't want to put them on. Walk around the room asking for another volunteer to put them on. After […]

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July 29, 2006
Identifying sin

Items needed A caramel covered onion A caramel covered apple We must examine closely what our decisions are based on to be sure that Satan isn't deceiving us by disguising something evil. Having the Holy Ghost with us as all times will help us not to be fooled by his traps. Prepare the apple and […]

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April 4, 2006
Spiritual Strength

Items needed an empty soda can a full soda can Have someone try to crush the empty soda can with one hand--it's easy. Now have someone try to crush the full can with one hand--you can't. What is the difference? When you are full of the Spirit you are strong and Satan can't crush you.

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April 4, 2006
Keeping in tune with the Spirit

Items needed a tuning fork (or a tuning fork app) piano Ring the tuning fork, play the same note on the piano. Ask if the piano is in tune with the tuning fork. Ask why or why not? (piano hasn't been tuned, humidity, time between tunings, etc.) Make the connection that we need to do […]

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March 7, 2006
The Holy Ghost

Items needed a stethoscope I asked each member of the class to listen to the heart of the girl next to her. They laughed and giggled! Then I gave them each a stethoscope and had them listen again. Our lesson was on the Holy Ghost as an instrument used in hearing Heavenly Father. It worked […]

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February 22, 2006
Identifying promptings of the Holy Ghost

Items needed a cell phone I brought my cell phone and would play the different tones and asked them to listen to them and think what kind of promptings they would represent. The happy tones represented the Holy Ghost letting you know that something was good. The tones that sounded scary were warnings. The tones […]

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August 24, 2005
Holy Ghost is a Comforter

I brought a comforter from home and talked about how the Holy Ghost is the Comforter. Then I held up a small wall hanging I had made using the attic windows quilt block and talked about how each of these 'windows' could represent a different role of the the Holy Ghost (Comforter, companion, etc.) and […]

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August 24, 2005
Sin interferes with hearing the Holy Ghost

Items needed mason jar quarter potting soil spoon or other scoop Start with a mason canning jar or a clear vase. Explain that this represents the person being baptized (Johnny). Hold up a shiny new quarter and explain that this is the Holy Ghost. Drop it into the jar and shake it around. Ask the […]

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