To help class members share what they are learning, you might ask them to write questions, comments, or insights from their reading on strips of paper and put them into a container. Draw strips from the container to discuss as a class.
These teaching techniques will help you get more student participation.
To help class members share what they are learning, you might ask them to write questions, comments, or insights from their reading on strips of paper and put them into a container. Draw strips from the container to discuss as a class.
Christy Elliott Vogel: Here is another idea NY coordinator suggested: write the series of questions on the board (search through apply and testify) and ask them to answer one of them in their journals, then share. Those who are more intimidated will pick less personal questions, but at least they will share something.
By Becky Edwards 11 BETTER APPROACHES 1. Choral Reading The teacher and class read a passage aloud together, minimizing struggling readers' public exposure. In a 2011 study of over a hundred sixth graders (PDF, 232KB), David Paige found that 16 minutes of whole-class choral reading per week enhanced decoding and fluency. In another version, every time […]
By Becky Edwards #Teachingmethod Last night during my prayer a teaching idea came to my mind that had never used before. Today I posted a sign "pick a lesson" along with five topics. I let the kids know that THEY would be teaching five mini lessons today. One at a time, several students picked a […]
By Robyn Childers Tried something today that worked well: My class isn't shy but they don't jump out of their seat when I ask a question of them. Today I wrote down the search questions from the manual onto individual 3x4 notecards and handed them out. When the question came up in the lesson...Mary would […]
By Adriene Olsen Murray I used this idea from our Seminary Coordinator. It works best with a short section or block of scriptures. It was really fun. The kids found things that I had not thought of and explained what it meant to them. Divide the board into four columns: Zinger -- find verses in […]
By Susie Waalkes Kershaw I thought I would share how our class is doing the "what stuck with you" idea. We have our own "sacred grove" and every Friday they add a leaf on what they learned that week.53 Jeanette Brooks. We do the "what stuck with you" idea also. It so neat to look back […]
By (Pam Mueller) I have done this activity before to capture the attention of the students, have them involved and basically giving the lesson. On the board I put a picture of the person we will be studying under the rectangle of paper. Behind the circles are clues I pick a student to start […]
I have a new favorite tool for getting my students to participate! I have had way too many times when I have asked a soul searching question and they just look at me with blank stares and no matter how long I wait (I am good at waiting) I get no response. I know they […]
Courtesy of John Bushman: As a coordinator for S&I, it has not been my style to be very controlling. It has been my goal to give great tips and helps, but in the end, the teachers decide what works for them or not. BUT… now I want to mandate something because it can be so […]