Scripture Reference: Old Testament

January 3, 2019
What do the titles of Jesus Christ teach us about him?

John 1–3. The Lord’s titles teach us about His life and mission. (25–30 minutes) Bring a loaf of bread, a lightbulb, a glass of water, and a rock to class. Ask: How are each of these objects symbolic of the life of Christ? (You could use John 4:10–15; 6:48; 8:12; Jeremiah 2:13; and Helaman 5:12to show how these objects can […]

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December 28, 2018
What does it mean when the men broke the roof to get to Jesus Christ?

One day, as the Savior taught in a house in the lakeside village of Capernaum, four men worked to break open the roof above his head. They hoped to gain access to him in behalf of a friend sick with the palsy. Apparently, they could think of no other way to approach the Lord because […]

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November 19, 2018
Promises in the Scriptures

Promises in the ScripturesBy Linda Magleby For he will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you, for he has fulfilled his promises which he has made unto our fathers. Alma 37:17 There once was a young boy who had a very important question. He wanted to know which church was right so […]

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December 17, 2014
Light will not shine throught the blackness

By Wendi Gunn: Here is an object lesson that I am going to use for #dandc58 :34-65. It could be used to illustrate #repentance in any lesson though. I used it in a SS class and it was very effective. I took a light bulb and spray painted it black. Then I asked the class […]

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March 12, 2014
Peculiar People

Dress up in strange clothes. Pants, long skirt and a short skirt, Long sleeve shirt and a fishing vest, funny hat and have half your hair up and the other down, wear a snow boot and a high heel (be extravagant). Teach your lesson like you dress like this all the time. Then at the […]

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November 4, 2013
2 Nephi 20-26

Tomorrow is election day which is a holiday here in the Commonwealth, and so I've got a bit of a break tomorrow.  Time to catch up on the blog. 2 Nephi 20-24 This morning a couple of kids had questions about BYU applications and Seminary endorsements.  I showed them the form I filled out and […]

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August 15, 2013
Starburst Temple Work

Bring a small candy like a starburst, set it on the table and ask "who wants the candy? Who REALLY wants the candy? " Whoever seems most eager, pick for the example. Say, "Joey, (or whoever) you really want the candy. It'll make you very happy. So you can have it, but you can't use […]

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February 20, 2013
Hypocrisy - What's on the Inside Matters

I used this object lesson to teach about hypocrisy to my Seminary class. First, I printed chewing gum inserts on card stock.  Each insert was 140mm x 18mm and fit inside a Juicy Fruit wrapper. On each was written the following references and words: "Thou Whited Wall" Acts 23:3 and  "Full of Dead Men's Bones"  […]

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December 31, 2012

Students are asked to imagine themselves in a given situation, and are asked questions about the situation. For example Health Studies students being asked to imagine they are a child who has just been admitted to hospital. Students learning mission skills are asked what the investigator would be seeking. (See the document 25 Ways for […]

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December 31, 2012
That Cute Curly Thing

The pilcrow symbol can be very helpful in understanding the Bible. It marks off a new paragraph. Use it to identify main themes between "paragraphs" and new trains of thought. Just look for that cute little curly backwards 'P'--¶! Example: In Jeremiah 21, the man who throws Jeremiah in the stocks asks a question in […]

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