Age Group: Adults

These ideas will help you engage classes of adults, especially Come Follow Me for Sunday School, Relief Society, and Elder's Quorum.

March 19, 2005
Ordinances and Covenants are Inseparable

Items needed: a coin To show that ordinances and covenants are inseparable, display a coin. Then ask which side of the coin is more important. (Neither side is more important.) Ask learners if they can separate the sides of the coin. Then explain that ordinances and covenants are inseparable, just as the two sides of […]

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November 18, 2004
I am in Control of Myself

Items needed Legos inside the box Here are some legos and right on front is a picture of what you can build with these. Do I have to build exactly what is here? Can't I choose to make any design that I can imagine? In fact, there are lots of different choices of really fun […]

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November 18, 2004
Follow the instructions

Teach the class that following instructions exactly is important by drawing a picture on the chalkboard different than the one for which you give oral instructions. Tell the class members you will give them some instructions to draw a picture. Instruct them to listen carefully to the instructions and follow them closely. Encourage the class […]

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November 18, 2004
Who Will I Choose to Guide Me?

Items needed a blindfold picture of the temple or a family extra chairs Instruct the class you are going to invite a member of the class to reach the "Goal" through a maze of chairs in the classroom. The student will be blindfolded, but will able to choose a guide to help him/her get to […]

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October 31, 2004
You can't change all your bad habits at once

Items needed 5 or 6 balls, pieces of fruit, or other small items Hold in your hand five or six small balls or other small items, and tell the class that these represent a handful of weaknesses (our leader wrote names of some bad habits on paper and wrapped them around spools of thread like […]

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October 11, 2004
It's worth the wait

Items needed: cookies a larger dessert In order to demonstrate the importance of waiting for your big spiritual reward rather than indulging yourself in "worldy rewards", put a cookie in front of the child/children and ask them if they would like to enjoy it by eating it now. After all of the children have decided […]

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October 11, 2004
Every part is important

Items needed a ballpoint pen, from which you have removed the spring I'm sure everyone knows what this is. Yes, it is a ballpoint pen. What do you think the most important part of this pen is? Many of you said the "ink", that is a common answer. Let's see how useful this ballpoint pen […]

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October 11, 2004
Be True Clear Through

Items needed a hollow chocolate, like a chocolate bunny or Christmas tree a chocolate covered candy bar a solid milk chocolate bar Tell the class you've brought some special treats for them to enjoy, but want them to carefully observe (with their spiritual eyes) each object as it is cut open. Invite a volunteer to […]

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September 22, 2004
What will you reap?

Items needed a picture of a freshly plowed field Show the class or family a new plot of ground that has just been dug up and prepared to be planted and ask: If this ground were left alone for a year just like it is right now, what would it look like? Would it have […]

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September 22, 2004
Give me $5.00

Items needed a $5 bill a co-conspirator Dr Adrian Rogers gave a Focus on the Family devotional and this story is from that devotional: A minister was giving a sermon that was several hours long. There was a small break for the audience to get up and walk around at bit. The minister knew many […]

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