Great For: Help Students Prepare for Missionary Service

These teaching techniques will help you prepare students for missionary service.

December 12, 2014
Have Students Teach Mini Lessons

By Becky Edwards #Teachingmethod Last night during my prayer a teaching idea came to my mind that had never used before. Today I posted a sign "pick a lesson" along with five topics. I let the kids know that THEY would be teaching five mini lessons today. One at a time, several students picked a […]

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November 12, 2013
Missionary Tag

This fantastic game ideas was shared by Ricki M on the LDS Seminary Teachers Facebook Group: I had an idea for this game and it was a hit in Seminary this morning. Such a hit that I  am writing it down so I can use it and share with others. This would work great when you […]

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December 31, 2012
Fish Bowl

Form two concentric circles. The smaller, interior group discusses a topic, while the larger outside group observes. Good for larger classes. Hint: Describe how this activity presents students with an opportunity to model or observe group processing behaviors. Reverse roles as needed. Rotate perspectives as an observer. This could be useful for teaching missionary techniques […]

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December 31, 2012

Students are asked to imagine themselves in a given situation, and are asked questions about the situation. For example Health Studies students being asked to imagine they are a child who has just been admitted to hospital. Students learning mission skills are asked what the investigator would be seeking. (See the document 25 Ways for […]

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December 31, 2012
Assigned Discussion Leader

One person in the group is asked to present on a topic or review material for the group and then lead the discussion for the group. This person should not be the regular group leader. Hints: When assigning a discussion topic to individual members of the group, you may need to be prepared to allow […]

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December 31, 2012
Find A Reference

Ask students to find a scripture reference that answers a certain question. EXAMPLE: During a discussion on the word of wisdom in Daniel 1, I asked students to find a scripture reference to prove THAT God gives blessings to the obedient or WHY He does so, or HOW he blesses the obedient. They all found […]

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December 31, 2012
60-second Talks

Eaton and Beecher sometimes give students five minutes to prepare a 60-second talk on a verse from the day's reading. Students then present their talks. If student become long-winded, offer a prize for the student who comes the closest to 60-seconds without going over. Nothing helps students lean a principle so well as having to […]

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December 31, 2012
Different Lenses

Read the same block with different eyes looking for different things, as if you were wearing a new pair of glasses with different lenses. A parent, a bishop, a missionary, a teenager, someone tired and depressed, someone newly married, someone needing repentance, someone who doesn't get along with their parents, etc. For example, ask the […]

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December 31, 2012
Ask a Friend

The purpose of this activity is to help students learn that they have the skills and tools to answer other's questions. They also learn they can turn their friends for help with gospel questions. After giving students something to read together, ask every one to write down a question about the passage. Instruct students that […]

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December 31, 2012
Zones and Seating Charts

I learned this technique from Deann, who learned it from The Famous Linda D: When you have a large class of youth, you will need a seating chart to help behavior issues. It's not mean -- it's positioning everyone so they can participate constructively. Daniel Roma teaches Seminary teachers that f you have more than […]

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